Whether you’re getting a gift for your best friend with kids or your saintly mother who somehow survived your teenage years, you know that the women in your life need a little rest and relaxation. Most of the time, women are always taking care of everyone else, so give them a gift that shows they’re the one who deserves to be taken care of for a change.
From her favorite beverage, to spa sets, to things that’ll make her laugh, here are ten whimsical presents to give to all the women you love, according to any budget.
This sassy mug is for the wine-loving woman on those days when she’s feeling a little, uh, frazzled. It’ll give her a giggle. (And may I add, a very good suggestion?)
2. Death Wish Ground Coffee, $19.99
Has she built up a tolerance from sleepless nights followed by caffeine-guzzling days? With the world’s strongest coffee she’ll be wide awake, even on those mornings when she only has time to get half a cup down.
So when it’s actually cocktail hour, give her the best prescription after a crazy, stressful day: her favorite wine. Add one of these clever, customizable labels, and she’s got a happy pill in a glass!
Label Template Reads: Take one (1) glass to relieve stress associated with your children not putting away their laundry, forgetting to text you, locking your keys in the car and all other motherhood-related anxiety caused by your two (wonderful) kids. Two (2) glasses of wine may be needed in extreme cases.
4. Red Wine Truffles, $7.99
…and for those times when she can’t have a glass of wine, but needs a few minutes of solace, these little hints of heaven will tide her over until it’s wine o’clock.
5. All I Need Is Coffee & Mascara Sweatshirt, $42
For ladies who need a caffeine fix to get though their busy days (so, like, every woman on the planet)–and still manage to look good while doing it! This adorable sweatshirt is the perfect pullover for errand-running.
6. Spa Treatment Gift Card, $20-$150+
For the kid-toting woman who really deserves some “me” time, get her a gift card to a local spa! Whether you want to treat her to a manicure, facial, or massage, give her the perfect excuse to get the pampering that she deserves.
7. Spa Set, $29
If you know a woman whose schedule is particularly hectic, bring the spa to her with this customizable set. You can pick the scents you know she’ll love, and they’ll be neatly packed together in this tantalizing little gift box.
8: Customized Date Night Gift Card, $6.50
A little time (away from the kids!) may be the most valuable gift you can give to a multi-tasking woman! Present her with one of these personalized vouchers for a night of free babysitting. Add a restaurant or movie theater gift card to really ensure she enjoys her night on the town.
9: Personalized Charm Necklace, $19.00
Every single woman needs a staple piece of jewelry and these dainty necklaces are perfect for anyone, even the minimalist. The best part is they are customizable in coin color, are hand stamped and come with a beautiful, delicate chain.
10: The Reasons I Love You Journal, $10.00
When it comes down to it, you are searching for the perfect gift for the woman in your life because you love them. Why not turn that into the gift itself, with a gift that tells them exactly what you love about them. You can use a journal like this and fill out all the pages with the many reasons you love her!
Original article and pictures take http://thedailypositive.com/10-fantastic-gifts-every-woman-needs/ site
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