воскресенье, 6 ноября 2016 г.

Beer Steamed Corn on the Cob

Beer Steamed Corn on the Cob

Beer Steamed Corn on the Cob

I had no clue you could freeze corn on the cob! Gosh – I so gotta try your method of blanching and freezing it AND i’ve so gotta try this beer steamed version too – corn never goes out of season – at least in ma books! Happy Friday!

Oh my gosh, I love new ideas like this. I never would have thought to steam corn in beer!

Oh my goodness, what a beautiful idea, first of all did not know that you could freeze corn like this and the cilantro butter sounds amazing!

The butter on this alone is making my mouth water!

I have got to do this. What a fun recipe!

This sounds amazing. There is no way I can possibly save this for summer only, so I am glad you aren’t trying to hide it from us until then!

Oh! I had no idea that you could freeze corn on the cob! Now I know – awesome! That butter is dreamy and perfect with corn. Nice!

I usually boil corn with butter, but cooking in beer sounds even better!

Beer steamed corn?! Whoa, how have I never heard of this before?! My dad used to always freeze corn on the cob so we could enjoy it all winter long!

Steaming corn with beer is such a fun idea! I’ll definitely have to give that a try!

Wait. What?! This is genius. I’ve never cooked corn any other way than in the microwave (I know that’s terrible to admit). I so have to try this!

I love corn on the cob! I could eat it all year!

Beer steamed corn sounds like something that Thomas would go crazy over! Plus that cilantro citrus butter!! yum!

This beer steamed corn on the cob is slathered with homemade honey cilantro citrus butter. This side dish is crazy delicious and a perfect use for fresh from the farm corn or any fresh corn you hoarded during the summer and froze.

Disclosure: I’m thrilled to announce this year I’ll be working with American Kitchen Cookware! I’ll be doing 10 different recipes on their blog this year and I’ll be sharing (well, teasing) each one here on Nutmeg Nanny! You’ll have to head on over to the American Kitchen blog to get the FULL recipe but it will 100% be worth it!

Ok, I know you’re probably looking at this thinking “Ummm it’s fall. Why are you showing me corn?” well I have a reason! Growing up we always grew our own sweet corn. That meant that we have a TON of corn and only 3 people to actually eat the corn. So we did what any normal person would do – we froze it. Did you know you could freeze corn on the cob? Well, you can! It’s simple – just blanch it, chill it and then freeze it! Easy peasy lemon squeezy! Or easy peasy corny cobby? <— Ugh. That’s worse. Don’t use that one!

The great thing about this recipe is that it can be made in the summer or winter. If you opt to make it in the fall or winter it’s basically like a little “Hey summer! I remember you and I want you to know that I miss you and I love you and I want you to come back.” PLUS who doesn’t love the combination of beer, butter, cilantro and citrus!

Instead of doing things the normal way I decided to steam my corn with beer water. Holy heck yes! Then I opted to slather each and every cob in a homemade honey cilantro citrus butter. You guys – if you’re not making your own flavored butter you need to get on that train! Oh, and you know how I’ve been working with American Kitchen Cookware this year? Well, I used their 8-quart stock pot to steam this corn and it was a perfect size! Plus you know how I LOVE my cool touch handles. I can never not mention how much I love them.

{Looking for more corn recipes? Try my low country boil foil packets, grilled London broil with corn salsa, zucchini corn feta pizza, open face bbq chicken burger with peach corn salsa or my corn blueberry salad.}

Original article and pictures take http://www.nutmegnanny.com/2016/10/07/beer-steamed-corn-on-the-cob/?utm_content=buffer00065&utm_medium=social&utm_source=pinterest.com&utm_campaign=buffer site

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