воскресенье, 6 ноября 2016 г.

A Hands-On Approach to Spelling

A Hands-On Approach to Spelling

A Hands-On Approach to Spelling

Spelling can be so difficult for some children, which makes it more challenge to teach them if you are using the conventional way of spelling that doesn’t work for some children. I love to implement as much hands-on approaches in early years of homeschooling to not only help my children who are struggling but to give them the ability to learn faster by incorporating their hands into the learning. That is why I love this hands-on approach to spelling!

A Hands-On Approach to Spelling

We I came across All About Spelling, I was so excited to try it with my unmotivated learner. He wasn’t struggling to spell, he just wasn’t enjoying it and because of that he wasn’t motivated to give it his best. When I implemented this into our homeschool he loved it and his spelling improved immediately. I had only wished that this was around when my older two was younger because my struggling reader would have really benefited from this hands-on approach of spelling.

Now, I’m using All About Spelling – Level One as a learning box activity with my youngest and he is doing it quickly.

I love how everything you need is all provided, including how to work through each level for a mastery of the spelling words included in each level.

For the hands-on approach to spelling, we use the magnetic letters and the spelling cards, along with a metal pan to keep our work in one place.

I pull a few spelling words cards, in the same word family, together with magnetic letters and have him build the letters.

Notice that the vowels are red and the consonants are blue. As they develop their spelling skills they will begin to use multi-lettered phonograms that are also colored coordinated. LOVE IT!

Once he is done building the word, he moves his finger to the left and we work on sounding out the word together. When we are done, he will spell the word and say it again, before building the next word in the word family.

This kit is excellence!

Although it is designed for homeschoolers, this would be an excellent way to help your children who are struggling with spelling at school. Just have them make up their own spelling cards from their spelling list at the beginning of the week and then each evening, they can build the words for their spelling practice for the test at the end of the week.

Check out all the resources from All About Spelling and turn your spelling time into a hands-on learning time.

If you like this post, 7 Ways All About Reading Will Teach Your Child to Read…

Original article and pictures take http://joyinthehome.com/a-hands-on-approach-to-spelling/#_a5y_p=5138910 site

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