воскресенье, 6 ноября 2016 г.

Top 10 Tips of Great Ways to Make your Home more Eco Friendly

Top 10 Tips of Great Ways to Make your Home more Eco Friendly

Top 10 Tips of Great Ways to Make your Home more Eco Friendly

Great list!

As well as recycling and sharing, I’d add buying less stuff to begin with to the fold!


According to residential features, interior designs are planned. Interior designing are not just to for making a house look elegant and beautiful. But it helps in making a house cozy, spacious and most of all comfortable. I read your post thoroughly. It is very imforamtive and to the point as well. I am sure others will get lots of benefit after reading your post. Keep up the good work!!

My husband drinks a lot of bottled water, and turns out the recycling company for my village doesn’t actually recycle anything. (it’s a long story, and the villagers are protesting) So instead of just throwing his bottles in the trash I startded making these little hanging plant holders. I have herbs and ferns and some others growing in these hanging bottle things. But that’s not a long-term solution to the bottle problem, and eventually I’m going to have too many plants, so I need to think of another way to recycle them. Anyway, thanks for sharing, and sorry I’m so long-winded.

Ysmay recently posted…Gardening DIY: How to Grow Culinary Herbs Indoors

Thanks Ysmay, what a fantastic idea! Thanks for sharing, and hope they sort out the recycling issue in the village soon! x

Jen Stanbrook recently posted…Handmade Origami Wallpaper by Tracey Tubb

Great tips! Always looking for ways to be more eco-friendly!

Casp recently posted…Green Manure Uses and Advantages

I want to be more eco-friendly in my home. I was under the impression it would cost alot of money to do but this website has proved me wrong! I love the idea of a compost heap in the back garden. I never know what to do with all my old toilet rolls. Great idea. Lovely website. Thanks. Julie

julie stevens recently posted…Horse Care Products

I want to be more eco-friendly in my home. I was under the impression it would cost alot of money to do but this website has proved me wrong! I love the idea of a compost heap in the back garden. I never know what to do with all my old toilet rolls. Great idea. Lovely website.

Great share,,,

There are many benefits to using eco-friendly products! By using “green” products, you can help decrease pollution, the destruction of forests and other ecosystems, and the amount of waste sent to landfills. In addition to this, eco-friendly products are better for your health, as they don’t contain any harmful chemicals that can irritate skin or eyes.

Great tips! We run a local cleaning company in Madison Wi and try to make an impact on green living. Imagine what an impact it would make if everybody tried to be a little greener.

Thank you for the write up


These are really the best tips that one can follow to make their home eco-friendly..

After reading this I can say that If everyone want to become an active agent in the advocacy of protecting the environment, you must become more conscious of the way energy is consumed in your house.

Depending on too much artificial light from incandescent bulbs is both wasteful and unhealthy.

Therefore, taking advantage of sunlight outweighs all the benefits that artificial sources of energy can provide.

Also the best way to make your home is recycling the household waste. There are abundant centers out there which recycle the household waste, in order to save the environment.

Thanks a lot sharing these great ideas..

God bless U!!

Keep doing good work..

Expert tips to make your home more eco-friendly. This article is really informative. Thanks for the useful info.

Top Interior Designer, Oliver Heath has joined forces with Andrex Eco to bring us some amazing tips on making our homes more eco friendly. Apparently a whopping 48% of us would like to be more eco friendly in our homes but think it’s going to cost too much. In reality all it takes is a little imagination and creativity and we could have homes full of eco-friendly products and decor.

I’ve written before about upcycling and shown some innovative uses of wooden pallets as well as how to make the most of left over wallpaper and these articles are really popular so what is it that’s stopping the British population from making some of these changes towards a more eco-friendly lifestyle?

With more than three quarters (78%) of us believing that eco-friendly or sustainable products are more expensive than their standard counterparts, the prospect of going green in today’s economic climate is too much for cash-strapped Brits. Seven per cent admit to recently cutting back on the amount of eco products they buy, in the new research released by Andrex® Eco.

But this is where Eco Design Expert, Oliver Heath comes in as he’s put together some of his top tips for how to make small changes and make your home more eco-friendly. In this short film, he shows us his own home and some of the small changes he’s made:

I love that little shower timer, what a simple gadget for saving shower time and water. We need one of those!

There are lots we can all do in our homes to make little changes, and if we all do our bit it amounts to much more. Did you see how he only boiled one cup’s worth of water for his coffee?

Here are a few more of Oliver’s tips –

Oliver Heath’s 10 Top Tips for Making your Home more Eco Friendly:

Cut your electricity bills by switching over to low energy LED light bulbs. They’ll save you money and won’t need changing almost ever – well every 50,000 hours or so!

The summer months are a great time to fit draught excluders to doors, windows, and even unused chimneys. It’s a cheap and easy DIY job but makes an enormous change to your home come winter – draughts account for 15% of your homes heat loss.

Start a compost heap. Now you’re back out in the garden there will be lots of green waste to start feeding it with, plus you can also include kitchen waste and cardboard such as toilet roll tubes. Keep a compost caddy and by this time next year you’ll have lots of lovely fertiliser to feed your flowers, fruit and veg with.

Think about all the places you throw stuff away from – people often forget about all the recyclable materials that come from the bathroom such as shampoo bottles and toilet roll tubes, so why not put a separate recycling bin in there too.

Cutting down on hot water use can save you in three ways as we pay to buy, heat and dispose of it. Fitting and an aerated shower head and using a shower timer will literally save you gallons every day, not to mention the reduced energy costs.

Natural light is psychologically uplifting and can help you cut down on energy bills. Make the most of this free renewable energy source by fully opening curtains every day, keeping windows free of obstructions and bouncing light off white painted window sills.

Plants not only look good, they also keep your home healthy too. Ferns, ivy, spider plants and mother-in-law’s tongue all absorb CO2 and a variety of toxins in the home.

It’s often the small actions that make a change like choosing to buy better. Look out for products that contain recycled materials and that are easily recyclable. You’ll find the same great quality but with environmental thinking built in from the outset like Andrex Eco toilet paper.

Homes filled with new furniture and fittings can often feel a little impersonal. Divert usable old or worn out products from waste and find items to upcycle for your home. Vintage or upcycled items add character, identity and style, making your home that little bit more unique.

Sharing things feels good and saves you money. There are lots of ways that communities can make big changes and benefit you – whether it’s borrowing more from local libraries, giving away unwanted items on Freecycle or joining other online community groups to access with local skills, products or activities.

Oliver Heath is working with Andrex Eco to educate Brits about more sustainable living. For more information on upcycling and to see more of Oliver’s top tips visit www.andrex.co.uk/eco.

Disclosure: Commissioned Post

Original article and pictures take http://lovechicliving.co.uk/top-10-tips-great-ways-make-home-eco-friendly/ site

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