воскресенье, 6 ноября 2016 г.

Easy Marbled Easter Eggs Tutorial

Easy Marbled Easter Eggs Tutorial

Easy Marbled Easter Eggs Tutorial

When I saw Martha Stewart’s marbled eggs in her magazine years ago, it was instant love. I made a ton of my own marbled eggs within days of reading the article, and I have proudly displayed my little marbled Easter eggs this time of year ever since.

I love that each egg has its’ own unique marbled pattern and mixture of colors. I’ll show you the fate of my beautiful eggs at the end of the post, but for now, I’d love to show you how easy it is to create your own set of pretty marbled Easter eggs that you can keep and reuse from year to year!

Although it looks like these little beauties took forever and a day to make, they’re actually really quite simple to make- just one easy quick step beyond the usual way of dying Easter eggs.

Eggs (whole or blown out- I prefer blown out, so they can be kept and reused from year to year)

Food coloring or egg die tablets from egg dying kits

White vinegar

Oil (I used olive oil, but I’m sure vegetable oil works too)

1. First you need to dye your eggs just like you normally do. You can use any colors that you like, but the lighter pastel colors look best for your base coat. To make the dye, just add 3 Tbsp. of white vinegar to 1 cup of water, and then add about 20 drops of food coloring (or one egg dye tablet), and stir. I dyed my eggs inside of mugs, one mug for each color. Because my eggs were hollow, they wanted to float, so I just used a spoon to hold them down in the dye for the short time it took to color them. Remove eggs when they are your desired color, and let dry.

2. Now you’ll need to make up another dye bath, but this one needs to be in a larger, shallow pan. My 8\u2033 x 8\u2033 baking dish worked perfectly. You’ll need to add to the baking dish 3 cups of warm water, 1 Tbsp. of white vinegar, and 20 drops of food coloring. Stir. Then add 1 Tbsp. of oil to the mixture, and mix it around with a fork, so that the oil is broken up and separated into long stripes and dots on the surface.

3. Place your colored egg into the mixture, quickly roll it all around using a fork, and then take it out when you like the marble design. Some of the eggs wouldn’t turn very well with the fork, so I used my fingers, which worked well, but left me with dyed fingernails that are not pretty. Consider yourself warned Gloves would be great to wear for this part. Carefully dry with a paper towel, and let dry thoroughly.

If you’d like your eggs to have a high gloss shine and a little more durability, you can spray them with Krylon Triple-Thick Crystal Clear Glaze. I did this with my first set of eggs, but ran out of time to do it with my second set. All I did was stick a wooden skewer stick in the hole in the bottom of the eggs, and then spray the eggs to give them a nice shine.

So I told you at the beginning of the post that I’d show you what happened to my little set of eggs that I’ve kept for years…

FYI, beautiful breakable eggs and a very active 19 month old definitely do NOT mix… grrrrrrrrr…..

I hope you give these marbled eggs a try! They are so beautiful, and look much much harder than they really are to make.

And for another really cool idea, be sure to check out my tutorial for how to grow a geode in an egg.

Happy marbling!

xo, Laura

Original article and pictures take http://www.makelifelovely.com/2013/03/easy-marbled-easter-eggs-tutorial.html site

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