What awesome resources. This is something I have been wanting to do with my girls. I might just have to rent a book on the subject
OH that’s awesome that’s what you’ve been wanting to do with your girls, Betsy! I would seriously encourage you though to think of it as a lifelong process and not one more thing to add to your to-do list! It is a way of life that can be slowly integrated into the way you do life together, over time as you can : ) Have a great week!!
I love this story. It’s so inspiring. Thanks for posting about it.
Agreed! Thanks for writing!
I agree that Service is a great lesson to teach children, but is it the Public School System’s right to force it upon them?
Here is my opinion: http://www.lagringaloca.me/2013/09/community-service-is-choice.html
Hi Sara, while I understand your frustration with the public schools forcing anything on children, it is outside the scope of this post to examine the role of public schools in service learning : )
Sybil… popping in from (in)couraging writers… I wanted to let you know that I think this is AWESOME! I too hope that I have raised my own kids to model service to others… I know that in my province in Canada students can not achieve their Grade 12 Diploma unless they complete 40 hours of community service over the course of their 4 years in High School. I love how both of my children thrived in offering their time and talents for something that is bigger than themselves… Good for you for tackling this topic!
Hi Tonya, Thank you SO much for the encouragement and for sharing your story! I love the way you put that and I have no doubt that experience will influence who your children become as adults. Just awesome! : )
Great ways to encourage generosity in our kids. Thanks for sharing at Essential Fridays.
Mel from Essential Thing Devotions
Great post! I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your blog & am nominating you for the Liebster award! Check out my blog tomorrow for more information. ~Becky at Choose Happy http://www.choosehappybb.blogspot.com
Some of you may have seen this feel good news story around the web this week:
Ohio 8 Year Old Turns $20 Into Priceless Gift This one pretty well hit home for me as I have kids around this age, we live in Ohio, AND my husband is also a veteran After reading this short article, I had to wonder, would my kids respond with similar thoughtfulness if they found themselves in the same situation as the boy in this news story?
As much as my husband and I hope to instill the pay it forward mentality in our kids, I can’t say I’m sure exactly how they would respond had they been in that boy’s place, so I decided to explore some practical ideas to bring up the next generation to be servant-hearted givers. Service learning has been a big interest of mine since I was working on my Masters degree in School Counseling. So I decided to go back to my roots and ask a few questions – When it comes to raising children to give, how do we begin with the end in mind? We may know the kind of people we would like them to grow into some day, but what does it look like to build the daily habits into a long term way of life that they will carry with them into adulthood?
Be sure to share your thoughts in the comments because we will barely skim the surface of the how and the why behind service learning and list only a handful of virtual and tangible resources. Indeed, this subject is so broad it is going to take an entire series just to touch on a few aspects of it.
Why service learning?
It provides a platform to motivate and fully engage children in the process of learning – It helps foster civic responsibility as kids gain experience in taking action as socially aware global citizens
Kids gain deeper understanding of themselves as well as empathy and respect for others
How to do service learning
– Tie in current events
– Engage kids in decision making and service project design
– Start small and local
Books for adults to teach kids service learning
Based on field trials with over 2,000 students and 215 educators, this one-of-a-kind resource presents all the background knowledge and skills needed to effectively use service learning in preK and primary classrooms. Rich in both theory and practice, the book combines community service with differentiated curriculum-based learning to meet the academic and social needs of the young children in meaningful ways. Sample lesson plans are based on tested classroom projects and correlated to national service learning, Head Start, and Common Core State standards. It includes dozens of ready-to-use templates for lesson planning, surveying, assessment, evaluation, permissions, and documentation. Aligns with K–12 Service Learning Standards for Quality Practice.
The Complete Guide to Service Learning
This project-based guide is a blueprint for service learning. It provides ideas for incorporating literacy into service learning and suggestions for creating a culture of service. An award-winning treasury of activities, ideas, annotated book recommendations, author interviews, and expert essays—all presented within a curricular context and organized by theme. Digital Content contains all of the planning and tracking forms from the book plus bonus service learning plans, and more.
Books to read with kids to instill service learning
Pay It Forward Kids: Small Acts, Big Change
In Pay It Forward Kids readers will meet ordinary kids from across North America who have done extraordinary things, all on their own initiatives. These kids have raised both money and awareness for causes such as homelessness, human rights, orphans, and literacy. They’ve rescued child slaves, provided hope to the sick, and comfort for the dying. They’ve also enabled others to enjoy pleasures that many people take for granted. These powerful stories demonstrate that you’re never too young to make a difference or to improve the life of another.
Ordinary Mary’s Extraordinary Deed is a feel-good story that inspires and celebrates a world full of ordinary deeds! A little girl’s act of kindness starts a chain reaction that multiplies around the world.
Pay It Forward: A Novel
Pay It Forward is a wondrous and moving novel about Trevor McKinney, a twelve-year-old boy in a small California town who accepts the challenge that his teacher gives his class, a chance to earn extra credit by coming up with a plan to change the world for the better — and to put that plan into action. What is his idea? Trevor chooses three people for whom he will do a favor, and then when those people thank him and ask how they might pay him back, he will tell them that instead of paying him back, they should each “pay it forward” by choosing three people for whom they can do favors, and in turn telling those people to pay it forward. It’s nothing less than a human chain letter of kindness and good will.
Online Resources
ZOOM!: Service Learning
National Service-Learning Clearinghouse
National Service-Learning Partnership
Learning In Deed
Good Character: Character Education
Zoom Into Action: Hunger and Homelessness
NOW with Bill Moyers: Hunger Resource Map
America’s Second Harvest
For more ideas and inspiration on service:
This post was the first in a series on how to teach kids service learning. Throughout this series, we will be talking about the character qualities that lead kids to want to pay it forward in the first place : )
We’d love to hear your thoughts on how to teach kids to pay it forward! What do you do to foster kindness in your kids? Next up in this series – check out a discussion on how to teach kids gratitude in an age of entitlement
Original article and pictures take http://www.shelivesfree.com/2014/03/inspiring-kids-to-pay-it-forward.html?preview=true&preview_id=1248&preview_nonce=3143ec2511 site
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