<— Does pizza make you do this? Well here’s a mouthwatering version that’s fast and good for you. I’ve eaten these pizza’s every day for weeks at a time. It’s the only meal that I never get tired of. Because of this I keep a “kit” in my fridge that allows me to whip one up in 5 minutes and cook in 20 in my toaster oven. My favorite side dish to have with it is steamed frozen asparagus with some Spike sprinkled on it. You can use whatever veggies you like. The soy cheese shreds shown are my favorite brand. I can eat them plain and I’m pretty picky about taste. There are also some free printable labels for your pizza container that you can download!
NOTES: This type of cheese does not melt and get gooey. It is however cheesy and very delicious and soft. I keep bags of pita’s in my freezer. I thaw them in the microwave at 50% for about 30 seconds every time I want to make one.
Use any basket, shoe box or container that will work.
Fill with whatever goodies you like on your pizza. This is what mine is filled with.
Free Labels For Your Container (pdf)
Whole Wheat Pita Bread (sometimes comes cut in half) I keep mine frozen.
Pizza Sauce
Soy Mozzarella Cheese Shreds (Go Veggie brand is great)
Mushrooms, sliced, fresh or canned.
Green Bell Pepper sliced
Onion, sliced
Olives, sliced
Pineapple Tidbits
Thin layer of cheese (Helps hold the ingredients on)
Mushrooms, onions, olives, pineapple, pepper flakes, bell pepper.
I add a final thin layer of cheese to seal it.
Bake for 20 minutes until hot through and crust is toasty
Original article and pictures take http://ourpeacefulplanet.com/2014/08/25/pita-pizza-kit-recipe/ site
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