воскресенье, 6 ноября 2016 г.

Recipes for Greek Food Beginners

Recipes for Greek Food Beginners

Recipes for Greek Food Beginners

New to Greek food? Learn about cooking in different ways with different ingredients in this selection of recipes. Whether to prepare a first complete meal, offer mezethes to friends, or just add one new dish to a home-cooked meal, this is a great place to start.

These recipes utilize several cooking techniques, from simple stirring to stovetop and oven-baked casseroles, and ingredients that are perennial favorites in Greek homes.

Tip: A slice of feta brings the taste of Greece to any table.

Photo © N. Gaifyllia, licensed to About.com, Inc

Original article and pictures take http://greekfood.about.com/od/greekcookingbasics/tp/forbeginners.htm site

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